Analysis of Chilean TV’s news bulletins: News content-setting as a factor of quality and editorial profile


  • Silvia Pellegini Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Palabras clave:

news agenda, VAP, newscast's queality, nrand value, television


In order to survive in a changing environment, news organizations require identifying elements in their editorial output and social role. These identity factors not only distinguish them in terms of quality; they also form part of their brand value and play a key role when a person chooses to view or listen to one newscast over another. This study proposes a theoretical framework based on the value-added journalism methodology which will be used to assess the agenda news-setting of reference and popular TV channels. Empirical results obtained from studying four Chilean main TV station show that their newscasts hardly differ from one another; there appears to be no consistency with their corporate image and, consequently, these hardly contribute to their brand value.





Cómo citar

Pellegini, S. (2010). Analysis of Chilean TV’s news bulletins: News content-setting as a factor of quality and editorial profile. Cuadernos.Info, (27), 25–42. Recuperado a partir de