Open Access Policy
This journal grants immediate and open access to its contents, based on the principle of equitable access to research as a way of promoting and encouraging the global exchange of knowledge. This is according to the definition by Open Access Initiative (BOAI) from Budapest.

The journal Aisthesis is edited by the Institute of Aesthetics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and is published under the licence of Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 International.

Submission and evaluation of all received manuscripts implies that the authors declare to be the original and exclusive owners of the moral and property-related authorial rights of the text, in accordance with the provisions of Law nº 17.336 of Intellectual Property (Chile), and that, in the case of having used other people’s works upon the creation of the article, be it total or partial, they declare to have the appropriate clearance and licencing rights for their respective use, or that their use is expressly protected by the law. The author expressly releases the Institute of Aesthetics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile from ulterior responsibility regarding any legal, regulatory, or contractual infraction that they might eventually commit or have committed in relation to the work, and undertakes to repair any damages that may result from the infringement of these or other rights. The author authorizes the Institute of Aesthetics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, on its own or through third parties expressly authorized by it, to exercise the rights here specified: publication, edition, reproduction, adaptation, and distribution of the published issues, including the making available online to the public –through electronic or digital means–of the article, in Spanish, in all known territories, be them or not Spanish speaking, and for all types of editions, both print and electronic or digital, through its inclusion in Aisthesis: Revista Chilena de Investigaciones Estéticas. This authorization is granted on non-exclusive, free, indefinite, perpetual, and non-revocable bases, as long as the corresponding rights subsist, and releases the Institute of Aesthetics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile from any payment or remuneration for the exercise of the rights before mentioned. Authors retain the copyright of their works, and may reuse them as they see fit, as long as the original source of publication is indicated.

Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest occur when the authors, peer reviewers, or editors have interests that can influence any of the stages related to the publication process: from biased writing in an article to the acceptance of a submission following personal interests.
Aisthesis adheres to the regulations established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)( and the declaration of «Responsible Research Publication: International Standards for Editors» agreed upon at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in Singapore between the 22nd and 24th of July 2010.
The journal encourages authors and other interested parties to communicate any conflicts of interest that may arise in writing and/or submitting a publication proposal. Additionally, peer reviewers are required to declare any conflict of interest that may influence their requested task. The journal reserves the right to unassign a review based on this information. For their part, the editorial team at Aisthesis is committed to making decisions that favour the absence of conflicts of interest in all stages of the editorial process.

Persistent identifier
All works and issues published by Aisthesis have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) that guarantees permanent access due to the constant registration, tracking, and monitoring of metadata. Each DOI is generated by Crossref through the OJS (Open Journal Systems) manager. To accredit its functioning, DOIs are always displayed as full URL links in both the presentation of each article and issue and in every PDF and XML file.
From 2023 onwards, ORCID is requested as mandatory information for the registration of every author. This is a persistent identifier that distinguishes each author from other researchers, facilitates recognition of contributions, and reduces the possibility of erred registration. This identifier must be requested by the authors themselves through the ORCID website, a global, non-lucrative organization that promotes the transparent exchange of information.

Waiting time to resubmit an article

- Once an author is published in the journal, he or she must wait at least 3 years to resubmit a new article for peer review. During this period of time, they must collaborate as peer reviewers of at least two other articles assigned to them through our platform.

Complaints and Appeals
For any complaint, claim, or appeal, please contact via email Laura Marinho Montero (;, Publications Coordinator.
The Coordinator will report all background information to the journal’s director to seek a solution following the steps suggested by COPE for such cases (
The final decision will be notified in a timely manner to the authors.

Ethical Supervision Policy
With the purpose of guaranteeing a harmonous relationship between all involved parties and assuring the quality of its contents, Aisthesis urges all authors, peer reviewers, and members of both the internal and international committee to uphold the highest standards of intellectual and scientific integrity.
Upon suspicion of plagiarism, fabricated or falsified information in a manuscript, gift authorship, or undeclared conflicts of interest, the editorial team will follow the recommendations established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).