The Brotherhood of Spiders: Hermetic Myths and Rites of Female Mapuche Textile Masters

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Pedro Mege Rosso


We analyze central mythical material in the ideology of female mapuche textile masters and the initiation ritual that the aspirants to the title of textile master undertake. These myths refer to foundational mythical narratives that explain the key categories upon which the ideology of the female textile masters is built. The myth establishes the contextual and practical frame of the performative aspects of the ritual and the essential categorical system that every novice weaver must dominate. Likewise, textile initiation practices are coated by a thick aesthetics based in the spiders and women’s web; textures, colors, icons and folds that visually complement the meaning of the myths and rites.


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Pedro Mege Rosso

Centro de Estudio Interculturales e Indígenas-ciir, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile.