Tomás Harris: Yet Another Inmobile Voyager?

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Cristián Gómez O.


This article delves in the hypothetical meanings of the world depicted in the poetry of Tomás Harris (La Serena, Chile, 1956), in an attempt to underline aesthetical and lyrical options adopted by Harris in the forked path that young poets had to face in the mideighties. Back then, when Chile was under Augusto Pinochet’s regime, Chilean poetry took upon the quandary that represented to deal with such authoritarian system, and keep writing a poetry that was something else than just a mere response to that context. Under such circumstances, Harris’ choice for the deepest marginality became a journey towards zones displaced from the public eye, emphasizing the growing virtuality of experience and the lack of the ability of settling in. 


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Author Biography

Cristián Gómez O.

Case Western Reserve University