Roxane’s “Al compás de la semana”, Or a Dissembled Women’s Page (1927-1930).

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Claudia Darrigrandi Navarro
Claudia Montero


“Al compás de la semana” (“The Beat of the Week”) it is a section at Zig-Zag magazine published between 1927 and 1930. In this section converged both Elvira Santa Cruz (Roxane)’s editorial action and writing. In this article, on the one hand, we analyze the character of the section, and we argue that “Al compás de la semana” exposes a chronicler-editor which work overflows the boundaries of what it might be expected for a current affaires section.  On the other hand, we discuss this section from a gender perspective. We observe “women” or “feminine condition’s” as a magazine content that in this section takes on an unusual tone for this kind of magazine. The hypothesis of this article is that, behind the photographs that were included in the section and that referred, most of the times, to the social topic, the trip (or holidays) or to the political and cultural ones, a sui generis feminine section is hidden. That means a section whose written content accounts issues associated with the female condition, with a proposal close to some feminist ideas from the early twentieth century.



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