Caribbean Poetics of Childish Perversity: Childhood in Texts by Junot Díaz, Severo Sarduy and Rita Indiana Hernández

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Fernanda Bustamante Escalona


The analysis focuses on writings by Junot Diaz, Severo Sarduy and Rita Indiana Hernández in which the child innocence, ignorance and curiosity produces behaviours that are far from stereotypes, euphemisms and the dichotomy good / evil. Under a phantasmagorical and fantastic discourse –which is simultaneously innocent and perverse– these texts present a Caribbean that is neither a lost paradise nor is infancy a state of purity.
There for these texts approach Caribbean reality under a childish aesthetic: The Caribbean is narrated like childsplay, by children who speak of reality as an unimportant fact; in a discourse that is not accusing anyone yet accuses everyone.


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