Odeim and Oido in Nocturno de Chile by Roberto Bolaño

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Karim Benmiloud


The following article will study how the couple Odeim-Oido works in the novel Nocturno de Chile by Roberto Bolaño, considering them as protagonists as well as linguistic enigmas to be decoded. If the critical approach manages to decode the couple in Miedo/Odio (Fear/Hate in Spanish), it will have to see how the novel programs the decoding process through a number of elaborated signs and lexical-semantic variants. The essay will also try to decode de cultural signs that lead us to this couple (detective films, fairy tales, Scandinavian mythology, etc.). The article will end with a psychoanalytical analysis of doubles (inner doubles and external ones) present in this novel.


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Karim Benmiloud, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III

Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III. Francia