León Rozitchner and the Mythological-Political

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Pedro Yagüe


In this article I intend to recompose the theoretical specificity of the last period of the philosophical work of León Rozitchner, where the problem of the "mythological-political" appears. By way of introduction, we will begin by referring to the historical situation in which Rozitchner poses this new conceptual framework. In the first part of the article, I will develop the notion of mater, a cardinal category from which the different conceptual shifts that appear during these years are understood. Once this is done, we will analyse the way in which Rozitchner conceives the historical notion of mythology and its relationship with the socio-political reality. This will serve as a conceptual introduction to the way in which, from these categories, the Argentine philosopher studies Christianity, understood in a mythological key and in its connection with capitalist social relations. There the notion of terror will appear as a key category to understand the subjective scope of Christian mythology.


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