An Orphan Materialism: The Hermeneutics of Restoration in the Rozitchnerian Reading of Marx
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The objective of this work is to recover the decisive characteristics of the interpretation of Marx made by Rozitchner. To achieve this goal, I will analyze two fundamental characte-ristics of the rozitchnerian hermeneutics: on one hand, suspicion; on the other, restoration. In the first case, it is an interpretative exercise anchored in the reading of the blind spots of the other’s conceptualization. In the second, it alludes to a movement subsequent to suspicion, consisting of the replacement of certain fundamental affective indices. Howe-ver, the hypothesis of the work maintains that, in his last stage of production, Rozitchner emphasized the hermeneutics of restoration as a privileged way of reading. In this manner, I will focus on the mythological-political period of rozitchnerian writing to observe the way in which both interpretative modalities were developed, paying special attention to the hermeneutics of restoration as the predominant form of reading.
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