America Latina como aporia: las esteticas nocturnas

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Gabriel Castillo F.


The Americanist thought seeks a historical belonging to the occidental culture and a statute before "the modern". In its attempt, it has given rise to an "informal", "eccentric", philosophy, that takes from an aesthetic epistemology a great deal of its argumentative tools. From an aesthetics of the Enlightenment, developed in Europe in the XVIII century, the thought about "the American" has built a philosophy based on "the dark": a deep attempt of decolonization; a statement of a way of knowledge that seems to be unable to capture its object without appealing to an expression parallel to itself, to a para-knowledge of knowledge. In front of the political utopia requirements, the American man recovers a cultural horno aestheticus. The aesthetic utopia and the political utopia participate together building a conception of identity.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Castillo F., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Estética
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile