Altitudinal zoning, Vegetation, Northern Chile, Tropic of CapricornAbstract
ln the Chilean arid septentrional zone, over the Capricorn Tropic latitude it makes the study of the vegetal profile from the littoral to the high Andes Mountains.
This analysis has a particularly phytogeographic interest to the Chilean Puna (bleak region) vegetal ecology, in this area localizated between 3000 and 4000 mts. The altitude, clima and soil influence appoint very special biotopes, and they can be check with the Bolivian-Peruvian Altiplano (table-land) ecological environment within is insetted our labour area.
The bíological conditions are fundamentally due to the altitude appoint to the way of life to the Antofagasta Altiplano; little folk and theirs agrícola and shepherds activities are very connected with the high-andine ecological environment fragility.
The agrícola use of land with acclimated cultivation can show the great knowledge that the Altiplano habitant has of my limitation and profit in order to the um a vegetal and animal life they are offered by the ecological factors to the high-andine environment.
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