Morfología y dinámica dunaria en el borde costero de la Región de La Araucanía en Chile. Antecedentes para la conservación y gestión territorial
Degree of stabilization, dune dynamics, territorial managementAbstract
An evaluation was made of the dynamics of the dune systems of the coastal strip of the Araucanía region between 1994 and 2004, based on its morphological classification and degree of stabilization as evaluated from cartographic material, aerial photographs and investigation in the field. Eight fields of dunes were defined with a total surface area of 4,597 ha being stated a total expansion of 314 ha in the period; active dunes represented 35% of the total area, while semi-stabilized and stabilized dunes represented 31% and 15% respectively. The most common type of morphology was transverse dunes and the most frequent plant species were Pinus radiata and Ammophila arenaria. Finally, the localization and the determination of the stabilization grades and dunaries shapes allow to recognize the action of the natural and anthropic factors, these integrally require to be tackle as a frame for an integrated management of this coastal zone