Determinación del nivel de antropización de humedales como criterio para la planificación ecológica de la cuenca del lago Budi, IX Región de La Araucanía, Chile
Level of anthropization, conservation of wetlands, alteration of river basinsAbstract
The level of human impact on the wetlands of the Lago Budi Basin was established, as a function of the degree of alteration to the basin and the degree of alteration to the wetlands. The former was evaluated on the basis of a spatial analysis of the fragility and stability of the hydrographical basin. The latter through a modified impact model, with a panel of experts who evaluated the fulfilment of the wetlands' function and their state. Four principal types of wetlands were recognized: estuarine, meadow, waterside and marshy. It was found that 98% of the total surface presents a high degree of alteration, as determined by its instability and fragility. Farm use was weighted as the principal agent of alteration of the wetlands' functions, with 61% of this showing alteration in the maximum degree. This evaluation makes it possible to differentiate areas and generate base criteria for the conservation of wetlands in the basin