Proyectos hidráulicos, ambientalismos y re-escalamiento territorial: la disputa en torno a la construcción del proyecto Paraná medio en el proceso de neoliberalización de Argentina, 1995-1997.
Hydraulic projects, neoliberalism, environmentalism, territorial conflictsAbstract
It is discussed the territorial-environmental conflict in Santa Fe and Entre Ríos, emerged on the occasion of the Paraná Medio hydroelectric project during the 1990s and its resolution in favor of the opposition coalition. It is argued that this triumph was due, in large part, to specific conditions of global and national context, but also to unusual characteristics that have adopted local environmental organizations so far in Argentina. Using a qualitative methodology, based on interviews and documentary sources, we inquire into the discursive production around the project in the context of two processes driven in Argentina in that decade: the installation of neo-liberalism as hegemonic political and economic ideology, and the emergence of environmentalism as a frame of reference and condensing social force of territorial claims.