The formation of a polycentric model of commercial activity in Greater Santiago (Chile)


  • SEVERINO ESCOLANO Universidad de Zaragoza
  • JORGE ORTIZ Universidad de Chile


Commercial activities, monocentric model, polycentric model


In this work the spatial organization of commercial activity in Greater Santiago is the focus of study, itself a product of the disaggregation of the traditional monocentric model. In particular the article explores the configuration of the emerging polycentric model and the factors that are forming it. Its spatial structure is governed by the distance to the centre of traditional businesses (CBD), by the spatial distribution of rent and population, by accessibility and by the form of the transport network. Commercial and service centres are nodes of centrality that configure the patterns of urban mobility. They confer a particular physiognomy to the urban scene and constitute privileged places for social relations. 


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Author Biographies

SEVERINO ESCOLANO, Universidad de Zaragoza

Departamento de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad de Zaragoza, España.

JORGE ORTIZ, Universidad de Chile

Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile


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How to Cite

ESCOLANO, S., & ORTIZ, J. . (2021). The formation of a polycentric model of commercial activity in Greater Santiago (Chile). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (34), 53–64. Retrieved from


