Roberto M. Gerstmann and Antonio Quintana Contreras: Aesthetic and Photography of the Norte Grande Natives

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Margarita Alvarado P
Carla Möller Z


The following paper analyzes the work of two photographers that worked in Chile between the years 1930 and 1960. It refl ects on a corpus of Chilean Norte Grande photographs, aiming to defi ne the patterns of photographic production and trying to understand how these infl uence and/or determinate certain forms of otherness representation in the Chilean desert and its altiplano. The paper will carry a comparative analysis between photographs produced by the lens of an aesthete such as Roberto M. Gerstmann Henckel and the images registered by a documentalist, such as Antonio Quintana Contreras, so as to establish formal and aesthetical differences and coincidences in the way they materialize photographic representations of the Andes world.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Alvarado P, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Estética. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago

Carla Möller Z, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Estética, Pontifi cia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago