Escultura chilena e identidad (1900-1970)

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Radoslav Ivelic K.


During the XX century, Chilean sculpture displays a progressively het-erogeneous identity profile. On one hand, the cultural assimilation allows expression of themes related to our pre-Columbian cultural heritage, along with European culture contributions; and on the other hand, the sculpture production reveals a dual, oscillating and incomplete identity. The presence of outstanding women sculptors suggests the new appraisal of the feminine role in our country, in contrast to the first third of century. This presence is related to the terra mater and its potentiali-ties. Notwithstanding, by the mid-60's, the material is exhibited deprived of its attributes, unfolding our country's precariousness and the coexistence crisis that will happen in the last third of the century 


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Author Biography

Radoslav Ivelic K., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Estética
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile