Espacio y tiempo en el cine moderno: algunos procedimientos de puesta en escena

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José Román R.


The theories that consider editing the basis offilm narrative, tend to disregard that shot, the narrative unit which preserves the unities oftime and space, has also been a formal element offilm narrativefrom the origins ofcinema. Modern cinema, from the writings ofAndré Bazin and the experiences ofRenoir, Welles, and Ophüls, reinstates the sequence shot as a morefaithful representation ofspace and time in reality, as well as a stylistic possibility which eschews the rhetorical procedures ofediting. Another ofthe stylistic procedures of contemporary cinema is the systematic use of 'off-screen space ' with a narrative intention. Both spaces —the seen and the unseen— interact either to withhold information temporarily, to créate a specific tensión, or to elide the obvious or expectedresponse. Both procedures, the 'off-screen shot 'sequence and the use ofspace in "off" have beenfavoured innovatively by some ofthe most prominent contemporary producers.


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Author Biography

José Román R., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Estética
Facultad de Filosofía
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile